International Study
Travel abroad: An adventurous way to pursue your academic and professional goals while having the time of your life.
Georgia Tech has many international options, and the College of Computing offers computing-specific programs. Whether you’re interested in a few weeks in Spain, a semester in France, or a full year abroad, GT Computing provides an international program in just about every destination that captures the imagination.
Georgia Tech-Europe
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech-Europe, Georgia Tech's European campus in Metz. France. Or, split your time between the Lorraine and Atlanta campuses --- the choice is yours. There is also an option to complete a dual-degree program from one of Georgia Tech-Europe’s over 20 top-tier partner institutions in Europe and North Africa. Learn More.
Georgia Tech-Shenzhen
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech - Shenzhen, Georgia Tech’s Chinese campus in Shenzhen, China. Or, pursue your one-semester study at GT-Shenzhen. Situated next to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has the highest GDP per capita among large- and medium-sized cities in mainland China. Multinational companies that have a presence in Shenzhen include Apple, Cisco Systems, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Phillips, PMC-Sierra, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Siemens, TI, UPS, etc. Learn More.